Please read before purchasing:
All “Imperfectly Perfect” discounted products are final sale due to damage to exterior packaging while in transit to our gift shop from a variety of our vendors.
Each product’s damage varies from one “imperfectly perfect” product to another. If the item is a book, the damage is typically on the corner of the book or the binding. Pages are all intact.
By purchasing an imperfectly perfect product you are agreeing to the terms of this listing & fully understand that the exterior packaging will be imperfect due to damage sustained while in transit to us but that the actual product inside the packaging is damage free & useable. All imperfectly perfect products are final sale, helps Mother Earth by reducing waste & passed on the savings to you.
Imperfection: There is a small white mark on the pouch. Each side has the same design and the other side is perfect.
Use this zippered pouch to store cosmetics, pens and pencils, devices or chargers, and all your secrets.
Material: 100% Cotton
Size: 9.5" wide x 7" tall
Brand: GetBullish